Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Block...

The first block that we did in our group was Churn Dash. Pretty easy and all straight lines with a few half square triangles. I found the instructions at Quilters Cache, they are a great place to go to find quilt blocks if you are ever in need! Here are the two blocks I made up as samples...
Love how they turned out and it's been fun to see the blocks my friends have made. I love how just by the choice of fabrics and where you put them, how different the same block can look.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The idea...

I had an idea to get a group of my friends together to sew. Some have experience sewing and some don't, we'll be learning from each other along the way. We're going to each put a quilt together over the next couple months and be working on some other small projects too.

We had our first meeting last Saturday, Feb. 5th. We talked about some of the projects we want to do over the coming months and started our first quilt block.

This blog will give each of the group a chance to share with each other the blocks finished, the projects that we work on and anything else that we do/finish along the way.

Hopefully everyone has fun being a part of this group! I know I am already!

Next meeting we'll be making crayon rolls and block number 2! See you all then!!